3 Tips For Moving Your Business To A New Location

While moving from one home to another is a big deal, moving your business to a new location brings on a whole new mess of problems and details that you’ll have to iron out. Luckily, with the right planning and preparation, you can make a business move easier to manage, both for yourself and for your customers or clients.
To help you see how this can be done, here are three tips for moving your business to a new location.
Get All The Paperwork Handled Beforehand
Any move is going to require you to do a bit of paperwork to make sure that everything is transferred over to the new property as well as informing the right people and entities of your move.
With a business move, Jean Murray, a contributor to The Balance Small Business, shares that some of the first people you’ll want to give your moving paperwork to are the local, state, and federal government organizations. This will ensure that your mail gets forwarded to you, your licenses are correct, and you won’t have to worry about any bigger tax implications than the ones you’re already facing. And in the months and weeks prior to your move, try to make a list of any specific government or business entities that you’ll need to inform of your move so you can get the administrative side of your move taken care of in one fell swoop.
Get Help Moving Your Equipment
For many businesses, they’ll have products or equipment that will be very hard to try to move on their own.
When you have things that you can move on your own, Annie Pilon, a contributor to Small Business Trends, advises that you make sure you use the right packing supplies so that you don’t lose any product or break your equipment while you’re moving. And for the bigger items, get some help from a service that offers assistance with commercial moves. While you’ll be paying for this service, if it keeps you from having to replace your equipment or products, it could be well worth it.
Prioritize Internal and External Communication
Because there are so many moving pieces within a business, one of the biggest things that you should prioritize during your move is your communication about your plans with those within your business and those who work with or use your business.
To do this, the editors of Business News Daily recommend that you give as many details about the move as you can to your employees so that they know what’s going on. And once your move gets closer, you’ll also want to keep your online followers informed about where you’re going and when you’ll be there so you lose the smallest amount of business possible.
If you’re going to be moving your business to a new location, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you get everything ready for this big change.